We need to stop talking about finding your passion in relation to work.
Because if passion is something you can can find, you can lose again.

Everyone goes through ups and downs in their careers.
When you’re in a dip, you can feel like you’ve lost your passion.

This can be utterly confounding and disorienting.
If you’re a designer and you’ve lost your passion for design, what do you have left? Are you not a designer anymore?

You can avoid this existential crisis.

When you know what skills and strengths you bring to your work,
and you’re using them in a reasonably challenging context;
for a mission you believe in; with a healthy amount of variety;
you can create a sense of passion.

Then, later, if you feel like you’ve lost your passion, you can look at
the level of challenge; the environment; the context,
and see what needs changing.

You don’t need to fundamentally change yourself. 
You don’t have to find a whole new skillset.

You are still a UX designer, a radio producer or an engineering manager, 
and you can still cultivate a passion for your work.

Watch a video of me reading this original idea for this post on LinkedIn, where you can also drop any comments or questions you have about cultivating passion.

Have you lost your passion?